September 22, 2022

Upcoming Data-Driven Product Decisions Workshop Announcement for Jan 12-13

Holly Hester-Reilly will be holding a 2-day workshop on Data-Driven Product Decisions on January 12-13 in NYC. Grab your tickets now and don't miss out.

Upcoming Data-Driven Product Decisions Workshop Announcement for Jan 12-13
Written By:
Holly Hester-Reilly
Holly Hester-Reilly

Want to build products that make an impact, driving growth and outcomes for your users?

This hands-on two-day workshop will help product managers and other product practitioners level up their product leadership skills. Expect to work through collaborative exercises alongside other smart, creative product leaders who want to level up their skills at both identifying the right products and features to build and developing the support to do so.

Participants will learn the Product Science Method, a step-by-step process for evaluating product opportunities and laying the foundations for high-growth product development, including:

  • How to use a Pre-Mortem Risk Assessment to identify the most important areas for research
  • How to develop a High-Impact Experimentation Plan to kickstart your continuous product discovery
  • How to combine qualitative and quantitative research for best results
  • How to use customer mapping to build an outcomes-based product roadmap from your discovery research
  • How to develop a High-Growth Hypothesis, including selecting a north star metric
  • How to use the Built-Learned-Planning Demo to change minds without bruising egos

Grab your tickets for our next workshop on January 12th - 13th in New York City!

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